Being jobless has its own thrill. Here's some:
Friend A:
"I was currently applied to a petroleum company for the position of Health & Safety Officer--my dream job, actually. But I was on hold for, like, a month! Then, I applied to a big pharmacy company--and instantly got accepted!"
"I was tempted--the salary was high. But then, I got the info that I was prepared for Sales division! My primary job is to sell things! Not to mention over-the-top target with extreme pressure I have to endure."
"I was in dilemma. I don't want to be ungrateful and shove my first job away. On the other hand, selling is not my thing, I don't like it! I cried, like, two days in frustration. Then I remembered some stupid things from my pas. It was a silly conversation between me and my pal:"
"If you got accepted at Bank with 7 million salary per month and some soy sauce factory with 4 million salary per month, which will you choose?"
"Soy sauce factory, of course!"
"So, flustered, I told my godmother lecturer. She advised to pray, to ask Him for an answer. And I did. And, did you know, I dreamt of going to the petroleum company and got accepted! The following morning, I called the pharmacy company and politely turned their offer. Then, I phoned the petrol company and ask the status of my application."
"And... they say I have to wait for another week. But they, and I, certain that I'll be accepted in the end."
"I'm so glad I turned the pharmacy's offer. If I didn't, probably I'll crack under the pressure of sales target."
That story, I found it touching. Thanks for the story, Friend A a.k.a @andrianianti! She has blog too, here.
Stay tuned for Part II, Dawn!
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