Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Dear Dawn,

One funny and interesting thing about wishes is, it'll eventually come true. No matter whether you wished hard or just daydreaming about it.

Because that's what happened to me.

Let's travel back in time. Waktu tingkat dua, pernah bermimpi kayak gini, "Pengen punya kerjaan dengan income minimal X.000.000 perbulan." waktu itu lagi panas-panasnya hati karena datang ke Career Day ITB dan jurusan gw termasuk jurusan sepi peminat.

Lalu, tingkat tiga. "Pengen punya body keren dan ikutan L-men of the Year." Walaupun motivasi untuk wish yang ini nggak bisa dibilang bener juga sih.

Lalu, masih tingkat tiga. Totally envious with my fellow microbiologist's place of internship AND what she did during internship. "Pengen banget kerja di sana suatu saat." And it messed up with the purpose of wish number two.

And guess what? It all happened!

I get myself a body to brag on, even though it needs a little more than toning. I participate in an event equal to the event I wished (and now, after knowing the "behind-the-story", I glad I didn't participate). And now I work at the company I wished, got the exact field of work i wished, with income I wished, and got privileges and channels equal with those Lmen contestants! Wow!

It seems that "universe-conspire-toward-your-wishes" principle is true. No matter how impossibel your dream is, your sub-conscious mind will take notes and try to make it happen, unconsciously. It's no use fantasizing about that, though, since you'll end up daydreaming instead of chasing your goal.

So, here's my story for today, Dawn. I'll promise to tell you more interesting stuffs next time. Cheers :)


  1. wk wk .. that's true .. when I got started as bachelor student, I made a list containing my wishes .. one by one came true ..

    btw, ternyata anak NFI banyak yang suka ngeblog juga .. he he, setelah blogwalking ..

  2. Waaah, Firman nge-blog juga? Nice nice :) (Baru buka blog lagi)...
