Thursday, February 23, 2012

Are you as cute as Afika? Science Behind Cuteness

Dear Dawn,

There's this awesome sensation about Afika. She's been in and out of twitter timeline! #envy #envy. Well, you should see her, isn't she cute?
Afika (left) in Oreo Commercial
As per cuteness, it turns out there was a research conducted on cuteness! One Austrian researcher/gentleman named Konrad Lorenz composed characteristics we (as human being with heart) were attracted to. Guess what? Here's some:
  1. Big eyes with big round pupils,
  2. Bulging cheeks,
  3. Elastic skin,
  4. Clumsy movement.
Sounds familiar? Yes, we were basically easily attracted to a baby! Scientist says, it is because, deep down inside, human being develop maternal instinct for survival of human race. (Source: here)


P.S. There's this benefit if you include a cute baby picture in your wallet: increased chance of your wallet being returned when missing! So, maybe you're interested in printing this picture below and put it in your wallet, maybe? (source: here)

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