Thursday, December 6, 2012

"Tommorow" for Palestine Children

I was reading some random guy's timeline, and stumbled upon Michael Heart's We Will Not Go Down. I was stunned, because I didn't thought that the owner of that account cares (a little, maybe?) about Gaza.

And suddenly, my mind warped.

Couple of days ago, I overheard my colleagues discussing about Israel-Palestine Feud in conjunction with their work. I was intrigued; I didn't even know the whole picture. So I Googled, and stumbled upon this site. It was filled with essays about how this whole thing is ridiculous and people should stop attacking each other.  What stunned me most was tiny mention of a TV show called Tomorrow's Pioneer.

Picture from here

What so special about that show? Well, imagine a Barney-like TV show for Palestinian kids. But, instead of teaching children to dance, sing, count, and hug, this TV show encourage children to stand up and fight, until the point of martyrdom. It was laden with war vocabulary (like AK-47 or grenade). One of the puppet (who strangely resembles Mickey Mouse) actually died in the hand of an interrogators.

I'm not shocked by the obvious hatred toward Jews in this TV shows; after all, it might be engineered since the subtitle was provided by some organization in Israel's side. And, quoting from the host, "We are not terrorists. We do not support terrorism. We are normal people, but we are defending our homeland ... We, as Muslims, are against suicide bombers. We are against the death of civilians on all sides. We are only the enemy of those who took our land and kill us every day."

What shocked me is, how cruel those attacks might be, so the Palestinian have to inject those patriotism--those hatred--into minds of innocent children. I believe, every parents and every grown-up in the world hates to see those innocent minds become tarnished with hate. But, they have no choice; palestine has little manpower. To survive the attacks, everyone in that country must become soldiers. Those Palestinian children, their fate is sealed since birth, to become fighter or martyr.

I agree with this site: this war is overrated. Both Israel and Palestine might claim that the land belongs to either of them. But it's not necessary to continue war. To prevent the unnecessary damage, both materially and morally.

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