Thursday, December 6, 2012

"Tommorow" for Palestine Children

I was reading some random guy's timeline, and stumbled upon Michael Heart's We Will Not Go Down. I was stunned, because I didn't thought that the owner of that account cares (a little, maybe?) about Gaza.

And suddenly, my mind warped.

Couple of days ago, I overheard my colleagues discussing about Israel-Palestine Feud in conjunction with their work. I was intrigued; I didn't even know the whole picture. So I Googled, and stumbled upon this site. It was filled with essays about how this whole thing is ridiculous and people should stop attacking each other.  What stunned me most was tiny mention of a TV show called Tomorrow's Pioneer.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Filosofi Kamar Mandi: Awal Mula

Tanggal: 6 September 2012
Tempat: KM Kantor Lantai 2

simple bathroom layouts
No, this is not my office's bathroom, but it really is a beautiful bathroom. It's from here 

Siapa yang menganggap Kamar Mandi sebagai sumber inspirasi? Saya, salah satunya. Apalagi ketika sedang duduk manis di atas "kursi-keramik-berlubang" yang satu itu.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Your Three Words

Diawali dengan pertanyaan sederhana, "Apa tiga kata yang pertama kali kaulihat?"

Friday, June 22, 2012

Movie Trailer and Nation's Personality

Nope, this is not a blog post about how our TV is filled with not-fun-to-watch drama, include Sinetron, FTVs, and even (self-named) news investigations. No. This is about my curiosity--and realization--about two trailers that completely different while addressing to one same movie.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Di Balik Satu Set Tahu Gejrot

Diambil di ruang tamu seseorang yang rumahnya #ehm masuk majalah Idea edisi April 2012 

Bukan. Ini bukan posting soal menu makanan di menu wisata kuliner di kota anu. Dan lagi, saya yakin semua orang sudah tahu kelezatan penganan khas kota Cirebon ini. Paling tidak, ketika saya meng-update status BB saya menjadi "Tahu Gejrot", ada sekitar lima orang yang menyapa: "Mauuu...!" "Makan di mana?" "Ngiler" dan sebangsanya.

Tapi, sejujurnya, saya tidak suka tahu gejrot. Saya justru menghindari varian tahu yang satu ini.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tips Untuk Anda yang Akan Ikutan Audisi... (isi sendiri)

Buat Anda yang ingin ikutan audisi LOTY, HGA, Miss Indonesia, Putri Indonesia, atau audisi apapun aja, be sure to bring your best to the audition. Tapiiii, kalau trait "pemalu" adalah siapa kamu sebenarnya (dan agak aneh juga kalau Anda pemalu tapi keukeuh ikutan audisi), be sure to mask some "qualities" so they don't "shine" in that audition. In my personal opinion, ini tips yang wajib Anda ikuti kalau mau ikutan audisi apapun:

Saturday, March 24, 2012

...Till Death Do Us Part

Dear Dawn,

Yesterday, I attended someone's wedding ceremony.
Photo taken from @GraceS1ana